The upgraded Duplicate Enrollment Audit Portal (DEAP) was released on December 5, 2018. DEAP is used a tool for ADM audit based off SIS Cycle 3, 5and 6 data submissions by school districts.
To access DEAP, go to
Districts need to use Triand credentials for logging into DEAP.
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Office of Information Technology is pleased to announce the completion of the Statewide Information System (SIS) Cycle 3 data reports publish for My School Info. The data updates include a variety of data focal points and subject areas from SIS Cycle 3 Reporting. SIS is one of the primary data source for My School Info.
The list of the data areas include in the round of updates are mentioned as below:
Visit My School Info using the URL:
The data source for the above data sets are based on Statewide Information System, Cycle 3 certified submission from school districts and sourced from ADE’s K-12 State Data Warehouse.
Steps to run a Report
Note: LEA stands for Local Education Agency, associated with LEA # which is the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify districts, schools, and cooperatives
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Office of Information Technology is pleased to announce the release the 2018-2019 Arkansas K-12 Profile. The Arkansas K-12 Profile provided a high-level status of LEA (Local Education Agency); Students; Educators; Building Administrators; School Leaders and Enrollments per Grade Level.
Visit Arkansas K-12 by using the URL:
This page is updated by November 1st. of each school year.
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Office of Information Technology is pleased to announce the release of the “Beginning of the School Year, 2018 – 2019” data updates on My School Info.
The list of data areas included for the beginning of the school year are mentioned as below:
Visit My School Info using the URL:
The data source for the above data sets are based on Statewide Information System, Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 certified submission from school districts and pulled from ADE’s K-12 State Data Warehouse.
Steps to run a Report
Note: LEA stands for Local Education Agency, associated with LEA # which is the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify districts, schools, and cooperatives.
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Standards and Systems Support Unit, in collaboration with the Office of Information Technology, is pleased to announce the release of the new Standards for Accreditation (SFA) application: The SFA enables the public to view school district accreditation reports approved by the Arkansas Department of Education and enables school districts to view data which forms the annual accreditation report. ADE approved accreditation reports are publicly accessible while preliminary accreditation reports are restricted to authorized school district personnel.
The SFA will automatically send emails (October - April) on the 21st of the month to the superintendent, assistant superintendent(s) and principals to review the preliminary accreditation reports.
SFA Modules
The new SFA application has the following modules, as listed below. District users are encouraged to log-on to SFA and download the SFA User Guide published on the Support tab, post log-on to SFA: Top Menu Bar.
District users must use the built-in Ticketing Module within the SFA application to request valid overrides to standards exceptions. Each override request via the Ticket requires upload of supporting documentation by district users. Once the override request is reviewed and approved by the ADE specialist, the exception will turn green after the nightly build.
For SFA general support, please e-mail: ade.accreditation@Arkansas.Gov.
On October 12, 2018, the Arkansas Department of Education released the 2018 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Index and Accountability At-A-Glance reports for public viewing on My School Info The reports include data from the 2017-2018 school year, including 2018 ACT Aspire results.
Previously, school performance data was released in April in the year following administration of the statewide assessment. Based on stakeholder feedback, ADE shortened the timeline for the data release to allow schools to use the latest information to make data-driven decisions this school year.
Both the 2018 ESSA School Index and Accountability At-A-Glance reports are available on ADE’s My School Info website: The Accountability At-A-Glance, a quick overview of each school’s state (letter grade) and federal accountability results, can be found on the My School Info page under the School Rating tab. For more details about each school’s data, please read the ESSA School Index report located under the Reports tab, which includes students’ weighted achievement and growth on state required assessments for grades three through 10, graduation rates, and school quality and student success indicators.
Earlier on September 21, 2018 -- the 2018 ESSA School Index and Accountability At-A-Glance reports were released via a Private (Secured) mode requiring log-on for My School Info. The final extended review period closed on October 5, 2018 for school districts.
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Office of Information Technology is pleased to announce the release of an upgraded ADE Data Center platform, Version 3.0.
ADE Data Center and associated web portals have been upgraded in terms of back-end code development; IT infrastructure and, updated user interface (UI) making most sites Responsive Web Design (RWD) in nature providing better end-user experience. Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.
Because of the upgrade, the temporary links in the forms of ADE Data Beta will now be reverted back to ADE Data Center. If you have old bookmarks with ADE Data Beta or, old ADE Data Center web links referenced on your site, please take a moment to update them using the below table. The new links will be pushed over time during Friday, September 21, 2018 evening to midnight hours.
ADE Data Center | | |
ADE Acronym Translator | | |
ADE Employees Directory | | |
LEA (School) Locator | | |
School Personnel Directory | | |
Course Code Management System | | |
Job Code Management System | | |
Data & Research Request Application | | |
Community Advisory Board Application | | |
Statewide Information System | | |
K-12 State Data Warehouse | | |
AR Student Intervention System | | |
StudentGPS Dashboards | | |
TRIAND Support | | |
Security Resources Portal | | |
Statewide Information System Reports | | |
Standards for Accreditation | | |
Newsroom | | |
Arkansas K-12 Profile | | |
Find Us | | |
The ADE Data Center is a collection of information systems; data tools and data reports for educators, policy makers, teachers, parents, school districts, and anyone interested in official data from the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE). This site is maintained by the ADE Office of Information Technology, and most data is provided by Arkansas public school districts.
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) is pleased to announce the release of AELS (Arkansas Educator Licensure System) Expiration Notification System.
Starting Monday - August 20, 2018, automatic system-generated email notifications will be sent to Educators/Teachers’ registered email address with AELS on their approaching expiring licenses renewals. The notification will sent out at an interval of 90 days, 60 days, 30 days, 10 days and last 5 days prior to the license expiration date. There is no log-on feature for Teachers/Educators and, log-on is not required to receive any notification, as it is system-generated based on licenses-area expiration date.
Additionally, email notifications will be sent out to District Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents with the list of expiring licenses, along with License Area for their districts Educators/Teachers’. District Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents can also log-on to the AELS License Expiration Notification System to review the information anytime during the course of the year using their Triand credentials. The email address associated with your Triand account must be registered as a Superintendent (Coordinator Code='U') or Assistant Superintendent (Coordinator Code='X') in the SIS LEA Profile/School Personnel Directory.
URL for AELS License Expiration Notification System:
AELS Expiration Notification Schedule:
To: Superintendents / Assistant Superintendents | To: Individual Educator/Teacher |
Frequency (Days): 30, 10, 1 | Frequency (Days): 90, 60, 30, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 |
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) is pleased to announce the release of 2018 - 2019 LEA (Local Education Agency) updates via its School (LEA) Locator Tool.
School (LEA) Locator URL:
The information on School (LEA) Locator comprises of below listed modules (tabs):
The information includes LEA Number, LEA Name, LEA Type, Address, Grades Offered (at School-level) and, LEA Status.
A summary tab is also included for School (LEA) Locator that can be accessed via the below URL:
The Arkansas Department of Education is pleased to announce the release of combined 2018 ACT Aspire Summative Pre-Appeals and, Alternate Assessments: Arkansas Alternate Portfolio Assessments (AAPA) and Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA) data sets on My School Info (MSI).
Steps to access:
Individual School/District data set
Statewide (All Districts and All Schools) data sets
This will allow year-year to comparison and trending analysis across the years.
The Arkansas Department of Education is pleased to announce the completion of the Annual (End of the School Year 2017 – 2018) data reports publish for My School Info. The data updates include a variety of data focal points and subject areas from Statewide Information System (SIS): Cycle 7 Reporting. SIS is one of the primary data source for My School Info.
The list of the data areas include in the annual updates are mentioned as below:
10. SIS – Bus (Transportation)
11. SIS – Finance Transportation
12. Act 1015 Discipline Reports Module
ViVisit My School Info using the URL:
My School Info
Launched in November 2016, My School Info is the agency’s online reporting portal that reports school and district data, such as enrollment, testing (assessment) and financial information. The site allows users to compare schools and districts, analyze trends over multiple years, and provides an easy interface to view the School Performance Reports and Every Student Succeeds Act School Index Reports.
The Arkansas Department of Education is pleased to announce the release of an updated version of ADE Commissioner’s Memo (ACM) System. Commissioner’s Memos enable parents, educators and community members to keep up with what's happening with K-12 education in Arkansas.
The new features and updates are aimed at providing better user interface and, higher-level of user experience with add-on sharing capabilities for memo/information as released by the Department of Education.
ACM New Features and Updates
The new features and updates included in this version are listed as below:
To access the ADE Commissioner’s Memo portal, go to
ACM New Subscription Sign-Up & Support
Sign up to receive direct notifications of new Commissioner’s Memos using the below link:
For additional support; feedback and suggestion, please e-mail:
Note: This is Version 2.0 release for ACM with Version 1.0 released back in the year 2015.
The Arkansas Department of Education is pleased to announce the release of 2018 ACT Aspire Pre-Appeals data sets on My School Info (MSI).
Steps to access 2018 ACT Aspire Pre-Appeals
Individual School/District data set:
Statewide (All Districts and All Schools) data sets
Online Resources for Access Guidance
To access the website, go to One (1) “What’s New?” videos has been posted on the site’s homepage and provide an overview of how to access the reports that were added to the site this week.
My School Info
Launched in November 2016, My School Info is agency’s online reporting portal that reports school and district data, such as enrollment, testing (assessment) and financial information. The site allows users to compare schools and districts, analyze trends over multiple years, and view the School Performance Reports and Every Student Succeeds Act School Index Reports.
The Arkansas Department of Education is pleased to announce the release of My School Info (MSI) - April 2018 Enhancements. The April 2018 update of My School Info includes the following features:
How to View the ESSA School Index Report:
How to View the Accountability At-A-Glance:
How to View the School Report Card:
How to Establish Authorized Users in MSI:
The 2018-2019 Statewide Information System (SIS) handbook has been published on the ADE data Center website. The SIS handbook is released on March 1st of every year. The Statewide Information System is updated yearly; either to remove data elements that are no longer needed, modify current data collection items per cycle and/or, to add new data elements as required by Ad-hoc, State and Federal reporting requirements.
On a high-level overview, this year the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) is making changes in few areas to improve the over-all data collection process. A few examples of the data collection changes are the addition of the new Employee Leave Table and, restricting the Act 61 Tier I Table entries to the Superintendent and the CFO/Business Manager/Treasurer of the School District. The Class Table has Licensure Exception changes and has Personal Finance and a SPCED Class Overage Flag are added as well. There have also been two elements added or modified in the Job Assignment Table to clarify and collect additional data for the Paraprofessional qualifications of employees. The Private School Table and the Student Table have elements added to collect data for Title III Federal Program. There have been two elements added or modified in the School Table to clarify and collect additional data for the Safe School Environment. The SPCED School Age Table has had the Alternate Portfolio element changed and the table will now be collected in Cycle 6 to improve the student testing identification process.
A summary table and description for all the changes for 2018-2019 has been included under section “Data Changes for this Year’s SIS Handbook” on page 151 - 152 of the 2018-2019 SIS Handbook.
The 2018-2019 Statewide Information System (SIS) handbook is now published (posted) on the ADE Data Center under the SIS menu/icon and available via the link
The SIS implements the provisions of several Arkansas General Assembly enactments which mandate that the ADE make extensive use of information Technology (IT) at the state and the local levels to provide accurate and timely information to policy makers and to the reduce the state reporting burden. This is an important data collection and reporting process which requires continuous attention to detail throughout the year encompassing nine (9) submission cycles.
The Arkansas Department of Education is pleased to announce the release of My School Info (MSI) - January 2018 Enhancements. The January 2018 update of My School Info includes the following features: