Office of Information Technology | OIT


AELS License Expiration Notification System (AELSX) Release

The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) is pleased to announce the release of AELS (Arkansas Educator Licensure System) Expiration Notification System.


Starting Monday - August 20, 2018, automatic system-generated email notifications will be sent to Educators/Teachers’ registered email address with AELS on their approaching expiring licenses renewals. The notification will sent out at an interval of 90 days, 60 days, 30 days, 10 days and last 5 days prior to the license expiration date. There is no log-on feature for Teachers/Educators and, log-on is not required to receive any notification, as it is system-generated based on licenses-area expiration date.


Additionally, email notifications will be sent out to District Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents with the list of expiring licenses, along with License Area for their districts Educators/Teachers’. District Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents can also log-on to the AELS License Expiration Notification System to review the information anytime during the course of the year using their Triand credentials. The email address associated with your Triand account must be registered as a Superintendent (Coordinator Code='U') or Assistant Superintendent (Coordinator Code='X') in the SIS LEA Profile/School Personnel Directory.


URL for AELS License Expiration Notification System:


AELS Expiration Notification Schedule:


To: Superintendents / Assistant Superintendents To: Individual Educator/Teacher
Frequency (Days): 30, 10, 1 Frequency (Days): 90, 60, 30, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


ADE updates School Locator Tool with 2018-2019 LEA Information

The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) is pleased to announce the release of 2018 - 2019 LEA (Local Education Agency) updates via its School (LEA) Locator Tool.

School (LEA) Locator URL:

The information on School (LEA) Locator comprises of below listed modules (tabs):

  1. Education Service Co-operatives
  2. School Districts and District Charters
  3. Schools and School Charters
  4. LEA Counts by County

The information includes LEA Number, LEA Name, LEA Type, Address, Grades Offered (at School-level) and, LEA Status.

A summary tab is also included for School (LEA) Locator that can be accessed via the below URL:

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