Office of Information Technology | OIT

ADE Data Center
Empowering Users Digitally

The ADE Data Center is a collection of data systems, data tools and informational reports for educators, policy makers, teachers, parents, school districts, and anyone interested in official data from the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE). This site is maintained by the ADE Office of Information Technology and most data is provided by Arkansas public school districts.

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Latest Commissioner's Memo

COM-25-055 02/27/2025

Division: District Operations

COM-25-056 02/26/2025

Division: Federal Programs

COM-25-053 02/24/2025

Division: Public School Accountability

COM-25-054 02/24/2025

Division: Public School Accountability

COM-25-049 02/20/2025

Division: Federal Programs

LS-25-028 02/20/2025

Division: Office of Learning Services

CTE-25-012 02/05/2025

Division: Communications

COM-25-048 01/28/2025

Division: District Operations

LS-25-021 01/27/2025

Division: Office of Learning Services

ADE Systems of Support

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