Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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View Source Document for Table 'spcedemployee'

Special Education Employee (SX)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 4

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:

4 = December 15th
cycle Num 2 Table 4

LEA, District/Coop -Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, and cooperative. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
000 = N/A (zeroes for district)
lea Alpha 7 Appendix B,D 4

SSN, Staff - The nine-digit Social Security number of the staff member being identified.

ssn Alpha 9 4

Title Code-Service Provider - The qualifying job descripition of the special education provider (including teachers).

Teacher: The selection is to be based on teacher assignment as well as Section 17.00 and Section 30.00 of the special Education Program Standards (Related Service Providers). Related Service Providers
03-Early Childhood Teacher (EC Only) 04- Occupational Therapist
20 - Speech Therapy (SA and/or EC) 05 - Physical Therapist
50 - Self-Contained 1:6 Teacher (SA Only) 06 - PE Adaptive Teacher
51 - Self-Contained 1:10 Teacher (SA Only) 07 - Recreational Therapist
52 - Self-Contained 1:15 Teacher (SA Only) 08 - Psychological Examiner
53 - Resource Room Teacher (SA Only) 09 - Educational Examiner
54 - Itinerant Instructor Teacher (SA and/or EC) 10 - Psychologist
55 - Consulting Teacher (SA Only) 11 - Medical/Nursing Staff
56 - Hospital/Homebound Teacher (SA Only) 12 - Audiologist
57 - Co-Teaching Teacher (SA Only) 14 - School Social Worker
58 - Indirect Teacher (SA Only) 17 - Counselor
59 - Integrated Classroom Model Teacher (SA Only) 18 - Orientation and Mobility Services
Paraprofessional 19 - Educational Interpreter (Deaf)
13 - Classroom Instructional Aide/Paraprofessional 24 - School Psychologist
Other Providers Other Providers
01 - Special Education Supervisor (LEA Supervisor/EC Coordinator ONLY) 21 - Speech Language Assistant/Aide
02 - Other Special Education Administrators (non-clerical) 22- Occupational Therapy Assistant/ Aide
15 - Voc.Ed .Teacher - Job Coach 23- Physical Therapy Assistant/Aide
16 - Work Study Coordinator/ CCE/Secondary Transition 25 - Other: See Data Dictionary
svpr_cd Num 2 Table 4

Other Description - The description for other providers.

other_desc Alpha 25 4

Grade Levels - Indicates the grade level the teacher is assigned.

E = Elementary
PS = Early Childhood
JE = Junior High and Elementary
MS = Middle School
ME = Middle and Elementary
JS = Junior and Senior High
JM = Junior High and Middle School
JH = Junior High
SE = Senior High and Elementary
SH = Senior High
SM=Senior High and Middle School
All = Elementary through Senior High.

sped_grd Alpha 3 Table 4

Building Code - The building code, which the school age teacher (03, 20, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, and 58) is assigned. Early Childhood should use the district code (000).

bldg_code Num 3 ### 4

Special Education Employee Name


First name - First name

fname Alpha 20 4

Middle name - Middle Name

mname Alpha 15 4

Last name - Last name

lname Alpha 25 4

Special Education Teacher/Service Provider Information – Personnel who have met SEA-approved or SEA-recognized certification, licensing, registration or other comparable requirements that apply to the area in which the individuals are providing special education or related services.


Certification StatusTeacherService Provider- - The certification status of the special education teacherservice provider.This is personnel who have metSEA-approved or SEA-recongnized certification, licensing, registration or other comparable requirments that apply to the area in which the individuals are providing special education or related services. See Data Dictionary for full descriptions.

A - 1st year teacher SPED(not fully certified)
B - 2nd year teaching SPED(not fully certified)
C - 3rd year teaching SPED(not fully certified, includes ALP)
D - fully certified SPED, appropriate licensure
E - Non-teacher(certified)
F - Private provider(certified)
G - Non-Teacher(not certified)
H - Private provider(not certified)
I - Other Certification Status.  (Anyone identified with this code is considered not fully certified.)

tecert_cd Alpha 1 Table 4

Classroom Aide - Indicate if the teacher (title code for teacher 03,06,15,20,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58) has an aide assigned to himher. A Speech Pathologist with a Speech Language AssistantAide (SLA) selects SP or SF codes. Only title code 20 should us SP or SF.

P = Part-time
F = Full-time
SP = Part-time SLA
SF = Part-time SLA
NA = Not Applicable

sped_aide Alpha 2 Table 4

Provider FTE- - Provider Full-Time Equivalency(FTE) of individuals providing special education services in decimal format. Do Not enter the actual number of instructional hours. List the appropate FTE of each person based on a 40 hours workweek ( i.e., 1.0, .5). An individual providing 9 hours of services would use FTE of 0.22. If an employee is considered full-time, but does not work 40 hours, indicate them as full-time. For example, if a teacher works 36 hours a week and is considered full-time, indicate the teacher's FTE as 1.00.

Hour FTE Hour FTE Hour FTE Hour FTE
0.5 0.01            
1 0.02 11 0.27 21 0.52 31 .077
2 0.05 12 0.30 22 0.55 32 0.80
3 0.07 13 0.32 23 0.57 33 0.82
4 0.10 14 0.35 24 0.60 34 0.85
5 0.12 15 0.37 25 0.62 35 0.87
6 0.15 16 0.40 26 0.65 36 0.90
7 0.17 17 0.42 27 0.67 37 0.92
8 0.20 18 0.45 28 0.70 38 0.95
9 0.22 19 0.47 29 0.72 39 0.97
10 0.25 20 0.50 30 0.75 40 1.00
inst_hrs Dec 3,2 #.## 4

Licensure NumberTeacher Endorsement Code - Indicate the appropriate licensure endorsement or certification number for the teacher or provider. This applies to special education teacher licensure endorsement codes for title codes (03, 20, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,and 58) and realted service providers. For example: or OT235.

lic_end Alpha 50 4
No change Added Modified Deleted

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