Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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View Source Document for Table 'Student'

Student (ST)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:

2 - October 15th
3 - November 15th
4 - December 15th
5 - February 15th
6 - April 15th
7 - June 15th
cycle Num 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

LEA, School -Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, schools, cooperatives, and vocational institutions. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
002 = Hall High School
lea Alpha 7 Appendix C 2,3,4,5,6,7

SSN, Student - The nine-digit Social Security number of the student. If a student's SSN cannot be obtained, then the ADE assigned number as required by Arkansas Code Ann. 6-18-208 should be used. This number should remain the same throughout the student's school career.

ssn Alpha 9 ######### 2,3,4,5,6,7



State Reporting ID - The unique 10-digit Triand identifier generated for the student by the state

uniq_stu_id Alpha 10 ########## 2,3,4,5,6,7

Student Name


First Name - The student's first name.

fname Alpha 25 2,3,4,5,6,7

Middle Name - The student's middle name.

mname Alpha 25 2,3,4,5,6,7

Last Name - The student's middle name.

lname Alpha 40 2,3,4,5,6,7

Race - The general racial or ethnic heritage with which the individual most identifies from the following codes:

YNNNNN - Hispanic
NYNNNN - Native American/Alaskan Native
NNYNNN - Asian
NNNYNN - Black/African American
NNNNYN - Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
NNNNNY - White

Y in more than one combination will be considered 2 or more races.

race_ethnic Alpha 6 NNNNNN 2,3,4,5,6,7

Gender - The sexual classification of the staff person.

M - Male
F - Female
gender Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Date, Birth - The student's date of birth.

birth_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 2,3,4,5,6,7

LEA, District of Residence - The seven-digit district number of residency. Used for determining Act 214 situations where county lines may be crossed to transport students.

60 - Pulaski County
01 - Little Rock School District
000 - N/A (zeroes for district)

residence_lea Alpha 7 Appendix B 2,3,4,5,6,7

Resident - The code designating whether the student's legal residence is within the geographic area served by the district as follows:

0 - Laura Evacuee Student (resident)
00 - Non-Resident, Act 189
1 - Resident Home School Student No ADM
2 - Resident Home School Student WITH ADM
4 - Resident Home/Private School Student Act 173 with ADM
5 - Resident Home/Private Schools (Virtual environment Only) Included in ADM
6 - Dorian Evacuee Student (resident)
7 - Florence Evacuee Student (resident)
8 - Michael Evacuee Student (resident)
9 - Resident expulsion with services
10 - Hurricane Ida Refugee
C - Residence is outside the district's area
E - Irma Evacuee Student (resident)
H - Harvey Evacuee Student (resident)
K - Katrina Evacuee Student (resident)
Q - Rita Evacuee Student (resident)
R - Residence is within the district's area
S - Residence is outside the state of Arkansas
U - Maria Evacuee Student (resident)


resident_code Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Grade Level - The grade level in which the student is currently enrolled:

K - Kindergarten
01 - 1st Grade
02 - 2nd Grade
03 - 3rd Grade
04 - 4th Grade
05 - 5th Grade
06 - 6th Grade
07 - 7th Grade
08 - 8th Grade
09 - 9th Grade
10 - 10th Grade
11 - 11th Grade
12 - 12th Grade
EE - Non-Graded Elementary
SM - Non-Graded Middle/Jr.
SS - Non-Graded Secondary
grade_level Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Pre School (Kindergarten) - Indicates the preschool program for students who are currently in a preschool program or current Kindergarten students who participated in one of the following full-time* four (4) year old preschool programs.

EC - Early Childhood Special Ed
H - Head Start
C - 21st Century Community
O - Other
P - Private Preschool
NA - Not Applicable
PS - Public School Pre School Learning Center

*Full-time is defined as attending a four (4) year old program nine (9) months, at least 20 hours a week.

pre_sch_kind Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

21st CCLC After School Programs - 21st Century Community Learning Center programs are out of school programs funded by the US Department of Education. Indicates the student in participating in any of the following programs which is covered under this guidance:

Before School - (Scheduled academictutoring period prior to the beginning of the regular school day)
After School - (Scheduled academictutoring period following dismissal of the regular school day)
Summer - (Scheduled academictutoring time following or prior to the academic school year)
Weekend - (Scheduled academictutoringenrichment time on Saturday or Sunday).

cclc_prog Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Entry Code - The status in which the student was admitted for the current school year:

E1 - New Enrollment
E2 - Transfer from out of state
E4 - Re-entry for expulsion with services
HS - Home School
ID - Indistrict Transfer
IS - Instate Transfer
PS - Private School
RC - Residential Center
RE - Re-entry

entry_code Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Entry Date - The date on which the student is first present to receive instruction for the current school year.

entry_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 2,3,4,5,6,7

GPA (Grade Point Average) - Is to be entered for students in grades 09-12. The GPA is to be calculated in accordance with Rules and Regulations establishing the Academic Standards for Student Population in Competitive Interscholastic Activities by the State Board of Education. The GPA is to be based on a 4.0 scale and is to be calculated using academic courses as defined in the regulations.

gpa Dec 3,2 #.## 7

Smart Core Waiver - Starting in 9th grade, all students will participate in the Smart Core curriculum unless the parent or guardian waives the student's right to participate. Indicates if the student has a parent waiver that exempts them from Smart Core Curriculum.

smart_core Alpha 1 Y/N 2,7

Consolidated LEA - The LEA number of the consolidated or annexed district the student was previously in prior to consolidation annexation.

consol_lea Alpha 7 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7



School ChoiceIndicates a student attends a school outside the student's resident school district and has transferred via the Arkansas Public School Choice Act.  ESchool code is "B".  Refer to Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-1901, 6-18-206 [Repealed - Garland County Only]

school_choice Alpha 1 Y/N 2

School Choice (Opportunity Within the District) - Indicates a student attends a school within the student's resident district and has transferred via the Arkansas Opportunity Public School Choice Act. Refer to Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-227.

schchoice_indist Alpha 1 Y/N 2

School Choice (Opportunity Outside the District) - Indicates a student attends a school outside the student's resident district and has transferred via the Arkansas Opportunity Public School Choice Act. Refer to Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-227.

schchoice_outdist Alpha 1 Y/N 2

LEA, ChoiceDistrict/SchoolThe 7 digit LEA number for the District or School from which the student transferred because of school choice.
If field ST0132 is 'Y' this field must have a valid local School LEA.
If any of the following fields (ST0130, ST0133) are 'Y' this field must have a valid District LEA.

choice_lea Alpha 7 Appendix B 2

Tuition - A code designating a non-resident student for whom tuition is paid in one of the following ways:

PR - Private
SP - Special Education
NP - Non-Paid
NA - Not Applicable

tuition Alpha 2 Table 3,5,6,7

Tuition Agreement - Indicates whether an agreement has been made with a school district or special education agency where the servicing district or agency receives funds for students

tuition_agreement Alpha 1 Y/N 3,5,6,7

Name Servicing School - The name of the school that provides full-time special education services for the student through a tuition agreement with the resident school.

*Cannot be blank if tuition = SP

servicing_school Alpha 20 3,5,6,7

Legal Transfer - Indicates a student attends a school outside the student’s resident school district and has transferred via a legal transfer approved by both districts’ school boards. ESchool code is “C”. Refer to Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-316.

legal_transf Alpha 1 Y/N 3,5,6,7

LEA, Sending/Receiving - The seven-digit LEA number for the district for which a student is transported (or transferred) to or from.

  • If tuition Agreement = Y this field cannot be blank ,must enter LEA number student is transported tofrom.
  • If schimprv_outdist = Y this field cannot be blank, must enter LEA number student is transferred from.
recsend_lea Alpha 7 Appendix B,E 3,5,6,7

Displaced District - The name of the district that the evacuee student attended prior to coming into the state.

displace_dist Alpha 25 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Displaced District State - The state in which the Displaced District is located.

displace_state Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Alternate Income Verification Form - Indicates if the student is classified as low-socioeconomic based on the completion of the AIV form.

aiv_form Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Student Status


Status, Meal - A student who has limited eligibility for federal assistance or by being disadvantaged may qualify for free or reduced breakfast andor lunch as designated.

1 - Free
2 - Reduced 
3 - Full-price Paid
4 - Free SNAP Direct Certification
5 - Free Medicaid Direct Certification
6 - Reduced Medicaid Direct Certification

meal Num 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Title I - Indicates if the student is Title I eligible

title1_stud Alpha 1 Y/N 2

Status, GiftedTalented - Students identified as having high potential or ability whose learning characteristics and educational needs require qualitatively differentiated educational experiences andor services. All districts must establish equitable criteria for identification of gifted and talented students; establish programs that will lead to appropriate educational opportunities of these students; and establish procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of the provisions of these educational opportunities.

gt Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Special Education - A student has been determined to be eligible for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and has an individualized education program (IEP). Does not include students determined handicapped under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

sped Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Handicap - A student has been determined to be eligible under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For purposes of this database this does not include students with an IEP (special education students).

handicap Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Immigrant - A student who is between the ages of 3 and 21 who was not born in any state or has not attended one or more schools in any one or more states for more than 3 full academic years

immigrant Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Title III participation or eligibility for  Services - Is this student eligible for or participating in Title III Services? 

title3 Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training (CPR) - Indicates students in grade 9 -12 have been trained in hands-on CPR

cpr_train_status Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Foreign Exchange Student - A student enrolled in an Arkansas school district that has been selected to participate in an exchange visitor program sponsored by an international student exchange visitor placement organization; and enters the state of Arkansas with a nonimmigrant visa.

foreign_stud Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

English Learners (EL)

A.C.A. § 6-15-2903 (6) and ESSA and CSPR requires we track these data fields.


Former EL Monitored - A student who was exited from the ESOL/ESL program and whose academic progress is being monitored for four years in the regular education classroom as required by Federal law.

M1 - Monitored Year 1
M2 - Monitored Year 2
M3 - Monitored Year 3
M4 - Monitored Year 4
MC - Monitoring Completed    

lep_monitor Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

EL Entry date - The date the language minority student entered a U. S. school for the first time, regardless if the entry was in Arkansas or another state.

ell_lep_entrydate Date 8 MMDDYYYY 2,3,4,5,6,7

EL Exit date - The date the student met criteria for Fluent English Proficient status and was exited from the ESOL/ESL program; no longer receives services; is a regular education student

ell_lep_exitdate Date 8 MMDDYYYY 2,3,4,5,6,7

ESOL/ESL Waived Services Date - The date an EL student's parent signed the form waiving ESOL/ESL services for the student.

(This is NOT used when exiting a student from services.)

esl_servc_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 2,3,4,5,6,7
Recently Arrived English Learner (RAEL) - This is to identify recently arrived English learning students.  Determine the cumulative number of months the student has attended a US school as of Monday of the last week of the Grade 3-12 state assessment window, and indicate the correct RAEL status.

01 - RAEL1 - A Recently Arrived English Learner within their first 12 cumulative months of school attendance in the US.
02 - RAEL2 - A Recently Arrived English Learner within their second 12 cumulative months of school attendance in the US.
03 - RAEL3 - A Recently Arrived English Learner within their third 12 cumulative months of school attendance in the US.
NA - Not Applicable

rael Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Migrant - A student who has moved in the past 3 years, on their own or with their family, for the purpose of seeking work in agriculture, fishing, dairies, logging or food processing. A student can only be determined as "migrant" by the Arkansas migrant education program, which will provide a list of eligible students to each district where migrant children reside.

migrant Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Marital - Value indicating if a student is currently legally married:

S - Single
M - Married

marital Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Single Parent - Indicates whether a student in secondary education who is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse, who has a minor child or children for whom the parent has either custody or joint custody, or who is pregnant. This data is required for Perkins V federal reporting. (Section 3, (48)(A))

single_prnt Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Homeless Children and Youth - An individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime general children living in hotels, motels, camping grounds, cars, parks, abandoned buildings, sharing housing of other persons due to loss of housing in economic hardship, or similar settings due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations; in emergency or transitional shelters; abandoned in hospitals; migratory children living in circumstances as described; and other inadequate regular sleeping accommodations are considered homeless.

homeless Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7
Homeless – Identify the type of homeless situation describing the primary nighttime residence.

S - Shelter, transitional housing
(Shelter:  public or private accommodations intended for use by homeless individuals and families.  
Transitional Housing: accommodations for homeless and formerly homeless individuals and families where stay is temporary (not permanent housing) and subsidized fully or nearly so.)

D - Doubled-Up/Sharing Housing
(e.g. living with another family. Doubled-up: sharing the housing of others, whether relatives or friends, due to loss of housing, economic hardship, domestic violence or similar reason.)

HM - Hotels/Motels
(Hotel/Motel: temporary commercial accommodations due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason.)

U - Unsheltered
(e.g. cars, parks, campgrounds,  temporary trailer, or abandoned buildings. Unsheltered: living in cars, trailers, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings not designed as a regular sleeping accommodation.)

NA - Not Applicable
homeless_type Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status - An individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. In general youth living in hotels, motels, camping grounds, cars, parks, abandoned buildings, sharing housing of other persons due to loss of housing in economic hardship, or similar settings due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations; in emergency or transitional shelters; abandoned in hospitals; migratory youth living in circumstances as described; and other inadequate regular sleeping accommodations are considered homeless.

unaccompanied_youth Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Orphan - Denotes a student with no living paternal parents.

orphan Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Foster Child - Refers to a student that lives in a foster home environment.

foster_child Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, English Learner (EL) The student is an individual whose native language is a language other than English or who comes from an environment where a language other than English had a significant impact on the individual’s level of English language proficiency and is not considered proficient yet in English as measured by an approved English language proficiency assessment.

ltd_english_prof Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP) – ELD Program Type - Indicates the primary type of English Language Development (ELD) service being provided to an English Learner.

CP - ELD Class PeriodPI - ELD Push-in
DS - Declined ELD Services
EA - ELD Embedded for Advanced Learners
EI - ELD Embedded for High-Intermediate Learners
NP - Newcomer Program
PI - ELD Push-in
PO - ELD Pull-out
SC - ELD Embedded for Students with Cognitive Disabilities
liep_eld Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP) –. Core Content Access - Indicates the primary method by which the school provides meaningful access to the full curriculum to an English Learner

CC - Content Classess with integrated support 
DS - Declined access to Core Content Services 
NP - Newcomer Program
PO - ELD Pull-out
SI - Sheltered Instruction
liep_cca Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Language Minority Student (LMS) - The student has a language background other than English, and his or her proficiency in English has been screened for English Learner status with a state-approved English language proficiency assessment.

el_minority_lms Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Primary Home LanguageThe language or dialect indicated on the student’s Home Language Usage Survey that required they be screened for English Learner status.

home_language Alpha 2 Appendix H 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Retention - Flag indicating a student has been retained from the prior year in the same grade level.

retention Alpha 1 Y/N 3
Student Instructional Option – Status of instructional setting chosen for the student.
  1. Onsite / Traditional Learning - Student attends full-time (100%) on-campus/on-site instruction  during the typical school week.
  2. Virtual / Remote Learning - Student attends full-time (100%) off-site/remote utilizing technology resources for instruction.
  3. Hybrid / Blended Learning - Student attends a combination of on-site and remote learning utilizing technology and blended learning resources. (for students that do not fit option 1 or 2)
  4. N/A - (No Show / No Activity)
instruct_opt Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Enrollment - Any resident student registered to attend this school and is present at least one day prior to October 1st of this reporting fiscal year.

enrolled Alpha 1 Y/N 2

Status, Dropout - Student who meets the dropout definition as defined by NCES -"students in grades 7-12 who leaves school between October 1 of the previous school year and September 30 of the current year and has not graduated".

dropout Alpha 1 Y/N 3



Dropout/Withdrawal - The reason for which a student leaves the school system. (A.C.A. & 6-18-214 as Amended by Act 230 of 1997)

0 - NA
1 - Enrolled in other district within state
2 - Incarcerated
3 - Deceased
4 - Failing Grades
5 - Suspended or Expelled
6 - Lack of Interest
7 - Conflict with School
8 - Economic Hardship
9 - Pregnancy / Marriage out of state
10 - Peer Conflict
11 - Enrolled in GED
12 - Alcohol / Drugs
13 - Health Problems
14 - Other
15 - Early Graduates
16 - Enrolled in Private School
17 - Enrolled in Home School
18 - Enrolled in another School out of state
19 - Returned from expulsion with services
20 - Reached Max Age
21 - Transfer to other school within district
22 - Transfer to a Charter school
23 - KF waiver
drop_withdraw Num 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Date, Dropout/Withdrawal - The date on which the student permanently withdraws from school.

drop_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 2,3,4,5,6,7

Parent (Guardian) – Parent/Guardian address information is used for the Report Card mailing labels.


First Name - The parent or guardian's first name.

prnt_fname Alpha 20 2,3,4,5,6,7

Middle Name - The parent or guardian's middle name

prnt_mname Alpha 15 2,3,4,5,6,7

Last Name - The parent or guardian's last name

prnt_lname Alpha 25 2,3,4,5,6,7

Address, Mailing – The street name and building number or PO Box where the parent or legal guardian of the student receives mail.


Address - Parent or guardian mailing address

prnt_mail_addr Alpha 30 2,3,4,5,6,7

City - Parent or guardian mailing address city

prnt_mail_city Alpha 20 2,3,4,5,6,7

State - Parent or guardian mailing address state

prnt_mail_state Alpha 2 AR 2,3,4,5,6,7

Zip - Parent or guardian mailing address zip code

prnt_mail_zip Alpha 5 2,3,4,5,6,7

Address, Physical – The street name and building number where the parent or legal guardian of the student resides.


Parent Primary Email Address (*Optional)- Parent's email address

This email is only collected for ADE and DESE sponsored studies and surveys.  This email will not be shared with any outside vendors or out-of-state agencies.

prnt_pri_email Alphanum 80 2,3,4,5,6,7

Parent Primary Phone Number - Primary phone number for contacting parent.

prnt_pri_phone Alphanum 15 2,3,4,5,6,7

Parent Secondary Email Address (*Optional)- An alternate email address to contact the parent.

This email is only collected for ADE and DESE sponsored studies and surveys.  This email will not be shared with any outside vendors or out-of-state agencies.

prnt_sec_email Alphanum 80 2,3,4,5,6,7

Parent Secondary Phone Number - An alternate phone number to contact parent.

prnt_sec_phone Alphanum 15 2,3,4,5,6,7

Address, Physical – The street name and building number where the parent
or legal guardian of the student resides.



phy_mail_addr Alpha 30 2,3,4,5,6,7

City - Parent or guardian physical address city

phy_mail_city Alpha 20 2,3,4,5,6,7

State - Parent or guardian physical address state

phy_mail_state Alpha 2 AR 2,3,4,5,6,7

Zip - Parent or guardian physical address zip code

phy_mail_zip Alpha 5 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Military Dependent – According to ACT 514 of 2013 a school district should indicate for students in kindergarten thru twelve (K-12) if the student resides in a household of a person who is an active duty service member or is serving in the reserve component of a branch of the United State armed forces.

01 - Active Duty – US Army
02 - Active Duty – US Air Force
03 - Active Duty – US Navy
04 - Active Duty – US Marines
05 - Active Duty – United States Coast Guard
06 - Reserves – US Army
07 - Reserves – US Air Force
08 - Reserves – US Navy
09 - Reserves – US Marines
10 - National Guard – US Army
11 - National Guard – US Air Force
12 - Parents serve in multiple branches
13 - Not Applicable
14 - Reserves – Coast Guard.
15 - Space Force

military_dep Alpha 2 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Status, Twin - A twin is defined as one of two or more offspring produced by the same pregnancy.   Twins can be either identical or fraternal and usually share the same last name and date of birth. 

twin Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

School-Based Health Center (SBHC) - School-Based Health Center Programs are funded by the Arkansas Department of Education State Grant and are intended to aid the district in forming a medical health partnership with local medical providers to provide basic comprehensive medical and mental health services on school campus. The purpose of this program is to promote health, wellness, and academic achievement in Arkansas public schools. Indicates the necessary paperwork to enroll the student to receive medical services provided through the school-based health center has been completed.

sbhc_program Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Arkansas Activities Association - This will be recorded for grade 12 students only.

aaa_activity Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Alternate Pathway for Graduation - Alternate pathway for graduation (Y or N) - Indicates a high school student (Grade 9-12) is a student with a significant cognitive disability who qualifies for the Alternate Assessment and is participating in the alternate pathway to graduation.  

alt_pathway Alpha 1 Y/N 2,3,4,5,6,7

Seal of Biliteracy - The Arkansas Seal of Biliteracy recognizes Arkansas high school students who have attained proficiency in two or more languages. DESE annually reports on the number of Arkansas students who have obtained the Seal of Biliteracy to the National Seal of Biliteracy report. The data reported here is to indicate which students have obtained the Seal of Biliteracy including the additional language(s) and date achieved. Data is entered once the seal is granted. The seal is granted by the Arkansas Seal of Biliteracy Committee via an application process.



Language 1 - Refers to the first language, in addition to English, the student has demonstrated proficiency and earned the Seal of Biliteracy.


language_1 Alpha 2 TABLE 2,3,4,5,6,7

Language 1 Achievement Date -The date the Seal of Biliteracy earned for Language 1.

lang_1_date Date 10 mm/dd/yyyy 2,3,4,5,6,7

Language 2 - Refers to the second language, in addition to English, the student has demonstrated proficiency and earned the Seal of Biliteracy.

language_2 Alpha 2 TABLE 2,3,4,5,6,7

Language 2 Achievement Date - The date the Seal of Biliteracy earned for Language 2.

lang_2_date Date 10 mm/dd/yyyy 2,3,4,5,6,7

Language 3  - Refers to the third language, in addition to English, the student has demonstrated proficiency and earned the Seal of Biliteracy.

language_3 Alpha 2 TABLE 2,3,4,5,6,7

Language 3 Achievement Date - The date the Seal of Biliteracy earned for Language 3.

lang_3_date Date 10 mm/dd/yyyy 2,3,4,5,6,7

Language 4 - Refers to the fourth language, in addition to English, the student has demonstrated proficiency and earned the Seal of Biliteracy.

language_4 Alpha 2 TABLE 2,3,4,5,6,7

Language 4 Achievement Date - The date the Seal of Biliteracy earned for Language 4.

lang_4_date Date 10 mm/dd/yyyy 2,3,4,5,6,7

Digital Equity Elements for Education


Primary Learning - Device Away from School - The type of device the student uses most often to complete learning activities away from school.

1 - Desktop Computer
2 - Laptop Computer
3 - Tablet
4 - Chromebook
5 - Smartphone
6 - None
7 - Other
pl_dvce_away Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Primary Learning – Device Access – An indication of whether the primary learning device is shared or not shared with another individual.

  1. Shared
  2. Not Shared
  3. Unknown
  4. Not Applicable
pl_dvce_access Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Primary Learning – Device Provider – The provider of the primary learning device.

DP - District Provided
PL - Personal
OT - Other
NA - Not Applicable
pl_dvce_prov Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Internet Access – Access in Residence An indication of whether the student is able to access the internet in their primary place of residence and if not, the barrier to internet access.


ia_resi_access Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Internet Access – Barrier to Internet Access in Residence An indication of the barrier to having internet access in the student’s primary place of residence.

1 - Not Affordable (AFF)
2 - Not Available (AVL)
3 - Other (OTR)
4 - Not Applicable (NA)
ia_resi_barrier Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Internet Access – Type in Residence – The primary type of internet service used in the student’s primary place of residence.

  1. Residential Broadband
  2. Cellular Network
  3. Hot Spot
  4. Community Provided Wi-Fi
  5. Satellite
  6. Dial-up
  7. Other
  8. None
  9. Unknown
ia_resi_type Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7

Internet Access – Performance in Residence – An indication of whether the student can complete the full range of learning activities, including video streaming and assignment upload, without interruptions caused by poor internet performance in their primary place of residence.

1 - N - (No) The student is unable to complete learning activities due to poor internet performance in their primary place of residence

2 - S - (Sometimes) – The student regularly experiences interruptions in learning activities caused by poor internet caused by poor internet performance in their primary place of residence

3 - Y - (Yes) - The student experiences very few or no interruptions in learning activities caused by poor internet performance in their primary place of residence

4 - NA - Not Applicable

ia_resi_performance Alpha 1 Table 2,3,4,5,6,7
No change Added Modified Deleted

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