Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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Special Education School Age (SY)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 4,6,7

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:

4 = December 15th
6 = April 15th
7 = June 15th
cycle Num 2 Table 4,6,7

LEA, District - Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, schools, cooperatives, and vocational institutions. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
000 = N/A (zeroes for district)
lea Alpha 7 Appendix B,D 4,6,7

SSN, Student - The nine-digit Social Security number of the student. If a student's SSN cannot be obtained, then the ADE assigned number as required by Arkansas Code Ann. 6-18-208 should be used. This number should remain the same throughout the student's school career.

ssn Alpha 9 4,6,7

Special Education School Age Student Information – Special Education services provided to children with disabilities ages 6 – 21.

Student’s Name (Last Name, Middle Name, First Name) – Provide the student full name.


First Name - The student's first name.

fname Alpha 20 4,6,7

Middle Name - The student's middle name.

mname Alpha 15 4,6,7

Last Name - The student's last name.

lname Alpha 25 4,6,7

State Unique Identifier - The unique 10-digit Triand identifier generated for the student by the state.

uniq_stu_id Alpha 10 ########## 4,6,7

Race - The general racial or ethnic heritage with which the individual most identifies from the following codes:

YNNNNN = Hispanic
NYNNNN = Native American/Alaskan Native
NNYNNN = Asian
NNNYNN = Black/African American
NNNNYN = Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
NNNNNY = White

Y in more than one combination will be considered 2 or more races.

race_ethnic Alpha 6 NNNNNN 4,6,7

Federal Race Category - The categories used for reporting race to the US Department of Education.

1 = Hispanic
2 = American Indian/Alaskan Native
3 = Asian
4 = Black (non-Hispanic)
5 = Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
6 = White (non-Hispanic)
7 = Two or more races

fedrace Alpha 1 Table 4,6,7

Gender - The sexual classification of the staff person.

M = Male
F = Female
gender Alpha 1 Table 4,6,7

Date, Birth - he student's date of birth. (Child Count - December 1 - School Age)

birth_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 4,6,7

Temporary Student - Indicates if student is being temporarily placed in the Special Education program until the student is determined eligible or the evaluation is completed.

temp_student Alpha 1 Y/N 4,6

Grade Level - The grade level in which the student is currently enrolled:

K = Kindergarten
01 = 1st Grade
02 = 2nd Grade
03 = 3rd Grade
04 = 4th Grade
05 = 5th Grade
06 = 6th Grade
07 = 7th Grade
08 = 8th Grade
09 = 9th Grade
10 = 10th Grade
11 = 11th Grade
12 = 12th Grade
EE = Non-Graded Elementary
SM = Non-Graded Middle/Jr.
SS = Non-Graded Secondary
grade Alpha 2 Table 4,6,7

Assigned Grade Level for a Non-Graded Student. - Any non-graded student (EE, SM, SS) must be assigned a grade level for standardized testing purposes (K-12). If the grade level to be assigned is unclear then take the child's age as of August 1st and subtract 5. For example a non-graded student who was 10 years old on August 1st would be in grade 5 for testing purposes.

Select the assigned grade level for the non-graded student based on the above criteria.

K = Kindergarten
01 = 1st Grade
02 = 2nd Grade
03 = 3rd Grade
04 = 4th Grade
05 = 5th Grade
06 = 6th Grade
07 = 7th Grade
08 = 8th Grade
09 = 9th Grade
10 = 10th Grade
11 = 11th Grade
12 = 12th Grade
non_graded Alpha 2 Table 4,6

Alternate Portfolio - Indicate if student's IEP requires them to take an alternate assessment for the statewide assessment. This applies to grades 3-10 for literacy, mathematics, & science for all students AND grades K-12 for English Language Proficiency for English Learners. All other students should be marked NA.

NA = Not Applicable or Null (default)
ALMS = Alternate Lit-Math (GR 3-10), and Science (GR 3-8, 10)
AELP = Alt English Language Proficiency (ONLY Grades K thru 2 or Grades 11 thru 12)
BOTH = BOTH Alt English Language Proficiency AND Alt Literacy, Math & Science (Grades 3 thru 10)
PAAHS = Past Alternate Assessment in HS (Grades/Assigned Grades 11 & 12 who took DLM in 9 -10 and has alternate pathway flag)
alt_port Alpha 4 AAAA 4,6

Charter School - Indicate if the student is enrolled in a charter school.

charter_sch Alpha 1 Y/N 4,6,7

Building Code - The building code, which the student is assigned.

bldg_code Alpha 3 ### 4,6,7

Status, English Language Learner (ELL) - Student has a language background other than English, and his or her proficiency in English is such that the probability of the student's academic success in an English-only classroom is below that of native English language students.

ell Alpha 1 Y/N 4,6,7

School Choice General - Indicate if the student resides in another district, but is enrolled in your district under school choice general.

sch_choice Alpha 1 Y/N 4,6

School Choice Resident LEA - Indicate the resident LEA of the student who is enrolled in your district under school choice general.

res_lea Alpha 7 Appendix B 4,6

Primary Disability - The code designating the student's primary disability. (Child Count - December 1 - School Age) Use one of the following codes:

AU - Autism
- Deaf-Blindness
ED - Emotional Disturbance
HI - Hearing Impaired
ID - Intellectual Disability
MD - Multiple Disabilities
OHI - Other Health Impairments
OI - Orthopedic Impairments
SI - SpeechLanguage Impairments
SLD - Specific Learning Disabilities
TBI - Brain Injury
VI - Visual Impairments
prds_cd Alpha 3 Table 4,6,7

Educational Placement - Ages 6-21 - The primary educational placement as defined under federal guidelines. (Child Count - December 1 - School Age) The placement codes are as follows:

CF - Correctional Facilities
DB - Public Day School
DI - Private Day School
HH - HospitalHomebound
PP - Parentally Placed in Private Schools
RB - Public Residential
RG - Regular Class with Special Ed (80% or more of day in regular classroom)
RI - Private Residential
RR - Resource Room (79%-40% of day in the regular classroom)
SC - Special Class / Self-Contained (<40% of day in the regular classroom)

fedpl_cd Alpha 2 Table 4,6,7

Private Provider - The name of the private provider for the educational placement codes of DI,DB,RB,RI,HH,CF,PP. (Child Count - December 1 - School Age)

priv_pro Alpha 30 4,6

Private School Residents - The LEA number of the district where the private school student resides.

resid_lea Alpha 7 Appendix B 4,6

Private Provider Residents - The LEA number of the sending district from which the student came.

privprov_lea Alpha 7 Appendix B 4,6

EXIT INFORMATION – The status of a special education student, age 14-21 who left the special education program during the current school year according to the categories defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997.


Exit Status - Indicate if the student, age 14-2 left the special education program during the current school year. (Exiting Report - June 15 - School Age) The exiting categories are as follows:

DI - Deceased
DO - Dropped Out of School
GC - Received a Certificate
GD - Graduated with Regular Diploma
MA - Student reached maximum age
MK - Student Moved
PG - Alternate Pathway Graduate
RC - Student returned to the regular classroom (no longer eligible under IDEA or parents revoked services)
sped_exit Alpha 2 Table 7

Educational Placement-Previous Year - The student's educational placement under federal guidelines for the previous school year. (Exiting Report - June 15 - School Age)

CF - Correction Facility
DB - Public Day School
DI - Private Day School
HH - Hospital/Homebound
RB - Public Residential
RG - Regular Class with Special Ed
RI - Private Residential
RN - Regular Class with No Special Ed
RR - Resource Room
SC - Special Class
PP - Parent Placed

fedpl_pryr Alpha 2 Table 7

Exit Date - Enter the date in which the student left the special education program.

exit_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 7

Entry Date - Enter the date in which the student entered the special education program.

entry_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 4,7

Special Education Teacher ID - This is the staff information ID of the teacher who holds the student’s IEP folder.

tch_id Alpha 10 Table 4

Special Education Teacher Name - This is the teacher’s first name tied to the staff information ID.

tch_fname Alpha 20 Table 4

Special Education Teacher Name - This is the teacher’s last name tied to the staff information ID.

tch_lname Alpha 25 Table 4

Speech Therapist ID - This is the staff information ID of the therapist who provides speech services to the student.

st_id Alpha 10 Table 4

Speech Therapist First Name - This is the speech therapist’s first name tied to the staff information ID.

st_fname Alpha 20 Table 4

Speech Therapist Last Name - This is the speech therapist’s last name tied to the staff information ID.

st_lname Alpha 25 Table 4

LEA, District of Residence - The seven-digit district LEA number of  residency.  This field only applies to open Enrollment Charter Schools. Resident district cannot be an Open Enrollment Charter School or an Educational Cooperative.

alt_district Alpha 7 Appendix B 4,6,7
No change Added Modified Deleted

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