Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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Special Education Referral Tracking (RF)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 7

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:

7 = June 15th
cycle Num 2 Table 7

LEA, District/Coop -Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, and cooperative. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
000 = N/A (zeroes for district)
lea Alpha 7 Appendix B,D 7

SSN, Student - The nine-digit Social Security number of the student. If a student's SSN cannot be obtained, then the ADE assigned number as required by Arkansas Code Ann. 6-18-208 should be used. This number should remain the same throughout the student's school career.

ssn Alpha 9 7

Special Education Referral Tracking Screen (Early Childhood and School Age) – Students who have been referred to special education for evaluation, ages 3-21.


First Name - The student's legal first name, as printed on the student's birth certificate, social security card, or other legally binding documentation.

fname Alpha 25 7

Middle Name - The student's legal middle name, as printed on the student's birth certificate, social security card, or other legally binding documentation.

mname Alpha 15 7

Last Name - The student's legal last name, as printed on the student's birth certificate, social security card, or other legally binding documentation..

lname Alpha 20 7

Date, Birth - The student's date of birth. *Please make sure that the student's birth date is accurate.

birth_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 7

Race - The general racial or ethnic heritage with which the individual most identifies from the following codes:

YNNNNN = Hispanic
NYNNNN = Native American/Alaskan Native
NNYNNN = Asian
NNNYNN = Black/African American
NNNNYN = Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
NNNNNY = White

Y in more than one combination will be considered 2 or more races.

race_ethnic Alpha 6 NNNNNN 7

Federal Race Category - The categories used for reporting race to the US Department of Education.

1 = Hispanic
2 = American Indian/Alaskan Native
3 = Asian
4 = Black (non-Hispanic)
5 = Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
6 = White (non-Hispanic)
7 = Two or more races

fedrace Alpha 1 Table 7

Gender - The sexual classification of the staff person.

M = Male
F = Female
gender Alpha 1 Table 7

Grade Level - The grade level in which the student is currently enrolled:

K = Kindergarten
01 = 1st Grade
02 = 2nd Grade
03 = 3rd Grade
04 = 4th Grade
05 = 5th Grade
06 = 6th Grade
07 = 7th Grade
08 = 8th Grade
09 = 9th Grade
10 = 10th Grade
11 = 11th Grade
12 = 12th Grade
EE = Non-Graded Elementary
SM = Non-Graded Middle/Jr.
SS = Non-Graded Secondary
grade_level Alpha 2 Table 7

Status, English Language Learner (ELL) - The student is an individual whose native language is a language other than English or who comes from an environment where a language other than English had a significant impact on the individual’s level of English language proficiency and is not considered proficient yet in English as measured by an approved English language proficiency assessment.

ell Alpha 1 7

Resident LEA - Indicate the resident LEA of the student being referred to special education.

res_lea Alpha 7 ####### 7

Private School Student - Is the student in private school not placed or referred by public agencies?

Y = Yes, the student being referred was parentally placed in a private school and not placed or referred to the private school by public agencies.

N = No

priv_stud Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Name of Private School - Provide the name of the private school the student is attending

priv_schname Alpha 30 7

LEA, School (Building Code) - The last three digits of the school number as assigned by the state. 

bldg_code Alpha 3 7

Part C to Part B Transition - Is the student being transitioned from a "Part C" IDEA program to a "Part B" Early Childhood Program?

Y = Yes, the student is being transitioned from a "Part C" IDEA program to a "Part B" Early Childhood Program.

N = No

trans_partc Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Part C & B Concurrent - Ref_c: Part C received referral less than 90 days from the 3rd birthday.

ref_c Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Referral Date - The date that the referral was received.

ref_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 7

Parent Consent to Evaluate Date - Date that the parentguardian consented to evaluation.

par_eval_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 7

Evaluation Date - The date that the evaluation process was complete.

eval_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 7

Reason Evaluation exceeded 60 day timeline

IL = Child or Family illnessdeath delayed evaluations
TR = Transferred from another program during the due process
EV = Evaluations not completed in accordance with timelines
FM = Family moved making the child unavailable
EC = Family cancelled evaluation date(s) requiring it to be rescheduled
PW = Parent withdrew consent
PR = Parent refused initial consent to evaluate
OT = Other
AT = Additional Testing Required
HV = Failed Hearing/Vision Screening

eval_reason Alpha 2 Table 7

Evaluation Other Reason - If other (OT), enter the name of the service being provided.

eval_other Alpha 30 7

Eligibility Determination Date (EDD) - The date which eligibility was determined.

edd_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 7

Reason EDD exceeds 30 days' timeline

IL = Child or Family illnessdeath delayed evaluations
TR = Transferred from another program during the due process
EV = Evaluations not completed in accordance with timelines
FM = Family moved making the child unavailable
FC = Family cancelled ED Conference(s) requiring it to be rescheduled
PW = Parent withdrew consent
OT = Other

edd_90_cd Alpha 2 Table 7

EDD Other Reason - - If other (OT), enter the name of the service being provided.

edd_other90 Alpha 30 7

Reason EDD exceeded 3rd Birthday (Early Childhood only)

PR = Parent refused initial consent
IL = ChildFamily illness delayed due process
TR = Transferred from another program during the due process
EV = Evaluation not completed in accordance with timelines
PC = "Part C" failed to refer child for transition within timelines
OT = Other

edd_ecbirthd Alpha 2 Table 7

3rd EDD Other Reason (Early Childhood only)

edd_other3 Alpha 30 7

Served by Temporary IEP (Part C to B only) - Indicate if a child transitioning from Part C to B special education services, who did not have an EDD determined by their 3rd birthday, was served on their 3rd birthday with a temporary IEP.

3temp_iep Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Special Education Placement - Indicate if the student was determined eligible for special education services.

Y = Yes, the student was determined eligible for special education services and was placed.

N = No

sped_plac Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Early Intervening Services - Early Intervening Services provided to "students in kindergarten through grade 12...who have not been identified as needing special education or related services but need additional academic and behavioral supports to succeed in a general education environment" IDEA, Sec.612, (f)(1).

Y = Yes, the student was placed into early intervening services in accordance with Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) guidelines (services are paid for by the 15% set-aside for early intervening services in accordance with IDEA, Section 612).

N = No

early_interv Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Parent Consent to Place in Special Education Date - Date that the parentguardian consented to placement in special education.

cons_sped Date 8 MMDDYYYY 7

Referral Process Complete - The referral due process for this student is complete.

Y = Yes, the referral due process for this student is complete.

N = No

ref_comp Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Reason for Completion

SP = Placed into special education
NE = Not eligible for special education
EI = Placed into early intervening services
FM = Family moved making the child unavailable
TR = Transferred to another program during the due process
RS = Parent refused services
ED = Child died
OT = Other
NT = Team decided not to test

rfc_reason Alpha 2 Table 7

Completion Other - If other (OT), enter the name of the service being provided.

co_servs Alpha 30 7
No change Added Modified Deleted

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