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Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36
Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:
LEA, District/Coop -Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, and cooperative. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:
SSN, Student - The nine-digit Social Security number of the student. If a student's SSN cannot be obtained, then the ADE assigned number as required by Arkansas Code Ann. 6-18-208 should be used. This number should remain the same throughout the student's school career.
Special Education Early Intervening Services (School Age Only) – Services provided to “students in kindergarten through grade 12…who have not been identified as needing special education or related services but need additional academic and behavioral supports to succeed in a general education environment” IDEA, Sec. 612, (f) (1).
State Unique Identifier - The unique 10-digit Triand identifier generated for the student by the state
Type of Early Intervening Services - Indicate the type of Early Intervening Services the student is receiving and the date the service began andor ended.
SB - School Based Mental Health AT - Adaptive Technology LI - Literacy Instruction MI - Math Instruction SI - Science Instruction AS - Adaptive Software BE - Behavioral Evaluation OS - Other Services CB - Counseling/Behavioral Intervention LS - Language Skills RH - Section 504 of Rehab Act
Other Services - If other (OS), enter the name of the service being provided.
Begin Date of Service - Date on which the Early Intervening Service began.
End Date of Service - Date on which the Early Intervening Service ended.
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