Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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Special Education Early Childhood (SZ)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 4,6,7

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:

4 = December 15th
6 = April 15th
7 = June 15th
cycle Num 2 Table 4,6,7

LEA, District/Coop -Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, and cooperative. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
000 = N/A (zeroes for district)
lea Alpha 7 Appendix C 4,6,7

SSN, Student - The nine-digit Social Security number of the student. If a student's SSN cannot be obtained, then the ADE assigned number as required by Arkansas Code Ann. 6-18-208 should be used. This number should remain the same throughout the student's school career.

ssn Alpha 9 4,6,7

Early Childhood Student Name – Special Education services provided to children with disabilities ages 3 through 5.


First Name - The student's first name. (early childhood only)

fname Alpha 20 4,6,7

Middle Name - The student's middle name. (early childhood only)

mname Alpha 15 4,6,7

Last Name - The student's last name. (early childhood only)

lname Alpha 25 4,6,7

General Early Childhood Student Information


Race - The general racial or ethnic heritage with which the individual most identifies from the following codes:

YNNNNN = Hispanic
NYNNNN = Native American/Alaskan Native
NNYNNN = Asian
NNNYNN = Black/African American
NNNNYN = Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
NNNNNY = White

Y in more than one combination will be considered 2 or more races.

race_ethnic Alpha 6 NNNNNN 4,6,7

Federal Race Category - The categories used for reporting race to the US Department of Education.

1 = Hispanic
2 = American Indian/Alaskan Native
3 = Asian
4 = Black (non-Hispanic)
5 = Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
6 = White (non-Hispanic)
7 = Two or more races

fedrace Alpha 1 Table 4,6,7

Gender - The sexual classification of the staff person.

M = Male
F = Female
gender Alpha 1 Table 4,6,7

Date, Birth - The student's date of birth. (Must be a valid date prior to 12012009)

birth_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 4,6,7

Temporary Student - Indicates if student is being temporarily placed in the Special Education program until the student is determined eligible or the evaluation is completed.

temp_student Alpha 1 Y/N 4,6

LEA, District of Residence - The seven-digit number of residency. (Child Count Report - December 1 - Early Childhood)

resid_lea Alpha 7 Appendix B 4,6,7

General Early Childhood Student Information


Primary Disability - The code designating the student's primary disability. (Child Count - December 1 - Early Childhood) Use one of the following codes:

AU - Autism
DB - Deaf-Blindness
HI - Hearing Impaired
MD - Multiple Disabilities
OHI - Other Health Impairments
OI - Orthopedic Impairments
PS - Preschool Disabled (Non-categorical)
SI - Speech/Language Impairments
TBI - Brain Injury 
VI - Visual Impairments
prds_cd Alpha 3 Table 4,6,7

Educational Environment - The educational environment as proposed and defined under federal guidelines. (Child Count - December 1 - Early Childhood)

A1 - Regular Early Childhood (EC) program 10 + hours a week with majority of SpEd services in EC program
A2 - Regular Early Childhood (EC) program 10 + hours a week with majority of SpEd services in other location
B1 - Regular Early Childhood (EC) program B2 - Regular Early Childhood (EC) program SP - Separate Class - 50% Non-Disabled
RS - Residential
SS - Separate School
IO - Itinerant Service Outside the Home
HM - Home
fedenv_cd Alpha 2 Table 4,6,7

Program Type (Required) - Enter the type of program providing services to the student. Press Ctrl T to select an available code from the table. Highlight the code you wish to use and Press Ctrl G to insert the information in the field.

H = Head Start
P = Licensed Preschool
DC = Licensed Family Day Care Home
O = Other (i.e., Itineranthome)

pgmtyp Alpha 3 4,6,7

Status, English Language Learner (ELL) - Does the student have a language background other than English, and his or her proficiency in English is such that the probability of the student's academic success in an English-only classroom is below that of native English language students.

ell Alpha 1 4,6,7

Entry Date - The date the student entered your Special Education Early Childhood program .

entry_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 4,6,7

Early Childhood Exiting Information: The status of a special education student, age 3 to kindergarten eligible, who left the special education program during the current fiscal year.


Kindergarten Conference Date - The date that the last kindergarten conference was held.

trans_kin Date 8 MMDDYYYY 6,7

Kindergarten Conference Code - Enter the code that describes the outcome of the kindergarten conference.

NS = Transitioned with no service to Kindergarten
TK = Transitioned to Kindergarten with Special Education
KW = Kindergarten Waiver Re-Evaluation required

trans_code Alpha 2 Table 6,7

Conference LEA - The district LEA number with whom the early childhood program held the kindergarten conference

trans_lea Alpha 4 Table 6,7

Exit Status - Indicate the reason why a student is no longer receiving special education early childhood services.

DI - Deceased
KE - Kindergarten Eligible
MA - Student reached maximum age
MK - Student Moved
NP - Not Placed
NS - No longer requires special education services
PR - Parent Refused Services
US - Unknown status


exit_status Alpha 2 Table 6,7

Exit Date - Indicate the date the student exited the special education early childhood services program.

exit_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 6,7

Early Childhood Outcomes: The functional level of the student for each outcome upon entry to special and exit from special education (exit code =KE or NS).


Entry Assessment Date - The date which the entry functional assessment scores were determined.

assess_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 6,7

Entry Social Emotional Functional Score - The functional level determined by group consensus within 30 days of entry based on the Early Childhood Outcome Summary Form's 7-point scale.

assess_socialem Alpha 1 6,7

Entry KnowledgeSkills Functional Score - The functional level determined by group consensus within 30 days of entry based on the Early Childhood Outcome Summary Form's 7-point scale.

entry_knowskills Alpha 1 6,7

Entry Self Help Functional Score - The functional level determined by group consensus within 30 days of entry based on the Early Childhood Outcome Summary Form's 7-point scale

entry_selfhelp Alpha 1 6,7

Exit Assessment Date - The date which the entry functional assessment scores were determined.

exitassess_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 6,7

Exit Social Emotional Functional Score - The functional level determined by the group consensus upon exiting special education services based on the Early Childhood Outcome Summary Form's 7-point scale.

exas_socialem Alpha 1 6,7

Exit KnowledgeSkills Functional Score - The functional level determined by the group consensus upon exiting special education services based on the Early Childhood Outcome Summary Form's 7-point scale.

exas_knowskills Alpha 1 6,7

Exit Self Help Functional Score - The functional level determined by the group consensus upon exiting special education services based on the Early Childhood Outcome Summary Form's 7-point scale.

exas_selfhelp Alpha 1 6,7

Social Emotional Improvement - Indicate if the child's functional level has improved from entry to exit.

exas_socialem_imp Alpha 1 Y/N 6,7

KnowledgeSkills Improvement - Indicate if the child's functional level has improved from entry to exit.

exas_knowskills_imp Alpha 1 Y/N 6,7

Self Help Improvement - Indicate if the child's functional level has improved from entry to exit.

exas_selfhelp_imp Alpha 1 Y/N 6,7

Special Education Teacher ID - This is the staff state ID of the teacher who holds the student’s IEP folder, (staff state id).

tch_id Alpha 10 Table 4,6

Special Education Teacher Name - This is the teacher’s first name tied to the staff information ID.

tch_fname Alpha 20 Table 4,6

Special Education Teacher Name - This is the teacher’s last name tied to the staff information ID.

tch_lname Alpha 25 Table 4,6

Speech Therapist ID - This is the staff information ID of the therapist who provides speech services to the student.

st_id Alpha 10 Table 4,6

Speech Therapist First Name - This is the speech therapist’s first name tied to the staff information ID.

st_fname Alpha 20 Table 4,6

Speech Therapist Last Name - This is the speech therapist’s last name tied to the staff information ID.

st_lname Alpha 25 Table 4,6

Parent (Guardian) - Parent/Guardian address information is used for verification of physical address by resident district for early childhood special education allocations


First Name - The parent or guardian’s first name.

prnt_fname Alpha 20 4,6

Middle Name - The parent or guardian’s middle name

prnt_mname Alpha 15 4,6

Last Name - The parent or guardian’s last name

prnt_lname Alpha 25 4,6

Address, Physical - The street name and building number where the parent or legal guardian of the student resides.


Address - Parent or guardian’s physical address

prnt_mail_addr Alpha 30 4,6

City - Parent or guardian’s physical address city

prnt_mail_city Alpha 20 4,6

State - Parent or guardian’s physical address state

prnt_mail_state Alpha 2 AR 4,6

Zip - Parent or guardian’s physical address zip code

prnt_mail_zip Alpha 5 4,6
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