Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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View Source Document for Table 'private_school'

Private School (PS)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 6

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:

6 = April 15th
cycle Num 2 Table 6

LEA, District - Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, schools, cooperatives, and vocational institutions. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
000 = N/A (zeroes for district)
lea Alpha 7 Appendix B 6

School Name Code - The code represents the name of private school and ties the Private School Table to the Private School Title 1 Table. See (Appendix L) for the list of codes.

sch_code Alpha 6 Table 6

Private School Name and Administration Information – Any entity organized, as a school for the purpose of providing educational services and instruction that is not considered a public school or public school district.


School Name - The formal name used to identify an individual school.

sch_name Alpha 30 6

Administrator Prefix - Administrator prefix

admin_prefix Alpha 4 6

School Administrator First Name - Administrator first name

admin_fname Alpha 20 6

School Administrator Middle Name - Administrator middle name

admin_mname Alpha 15 6

School Administrator Last Name - Administrator last name

admin_lname Alpha 25 6

Administrator Suffix - The formal name extension including the period if applicable. (Jr.,III)

admin_suffix Alpha 4 6

Mailing Address – The street name and building number or PO Box where mail is received.


Address - Private school mailing address

mail_addr Alpha 30 6

City - Private school mailing address city

mail_city Alpha 20 6

State - Private school mailing address state

mail_state Alpha 2 AR 6

Zip - Private school mailing address zip code

mail_zip Num 5 6

Zip-4 - Private school mailing address extended zip code

mail_zip4 Num 4 6

Private School Information


Grade Level, Low - The number representing the lowest grade taught in the building. One of the following codes must be used:

P = Pre-School
K = Kindergarten
01 = 1st Grade
02 = 2nd Grade
03 = 3rd Grade
04 = 4th Grade
05 = 5th Grade
06 = 6th Grade
07 = 7th Grade
08 = 8th Grade
09 = 9th Grade
10 = 10th Grade
11 = 11th Grade
12 = 12th Grade
"UN" = Unknown*
*Private Schools Only
grade_low Alpha 2 Table 6

Grade High - The number representing the highest grade taught in the building. See the preceding list of values.

grade_high Alpha 2 Table 6

Students Enrolled - Any resident student registered to attend this school and is present at least one day prior to April 15th of this reporting fiscal year.

priv_student Num 4 ##### 6

Federal Programs Participation


Federal Programs Title I - This school wishes to participate in Title I Federal Programs (YesNo).

part_titlei Alpha 1 Y/N 6

Federal Programs Title II - This school wishes to participate in Title II (YesNo).

part_titleii Alpha 1 Y/N 6

Title IVDrug Free Schools - This school participates in Title IV Federal Programs..

part_titleiv Alpha 1 Y/N 6

Title V - This school wishes to participate in Title V Federal Programs.

part_titlev Alpha 1 Y/N 6

Title III - This school wishes to participate in Title III Federal Programs.

part_titleIII Alpha 1 Y/N 6

Title III English Learners - Indicate the number of private school students identified and served as ENGLISH Learners receiving Title III services.

title_iii_stud Num 6 ###### 6

Title III Recent ImmigrantsIndicate the number of private school students who qualify as Recent Immigrants in private schools participating in Title III.

recent_immigrant Num 6 ###### 6
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