Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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Finance - Employee (EM)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 1,2,5,6,8,9

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted: 

1 = September 30th
2 = October 15th
5 = February 15th
6 = April 15th
8 = July 31st
9 = August 31st

cycle Num 2 Table 1,2,5,6,8,9

LEA, (School, District or COOP) - Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, schools, cooperatives, and vocational institutions. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
002 = Hall High School
lea Alpha 7 Appendix C 1,2,5,6,8,9

SSN, Staff - The nine-digit Social Security number of the staff member being identified.

ssn Alpha 9 ######### 1,2,5,6,8,9

Employee State Identification Number


State Reporting ID, Staff - The unique 10-digit Triand identifier generated for the teacher by the state.

uniq_emp_id Alpha 10 ########## 1,2,5,6,8,9

District Employee NumberEmployee number from source table

empl_no Num 9 1,2,5,6,8,9

Employee Name


First Name - Employee first name

fname Alpha 20 1,2,5,6,8,9

Middle Name - Employee middle name

mname Alpha 15 1,2,5,6,8,9

Last Name - Employee last name

lname Alpha 25 1,2,5,6,8,9

Address, MailingThe street name and building number or PO box where home mail is received for this employee.


Address - Employee mailing address

address Alpha 30 1,2,5,6,8,9

City - Employee mailing city

city Alpha 20 1,2,5,6,8,9

State - Employee mailing state

state Alpha 2 1,2,5,6,8,9

Zip - Employee mailing zip code

zip Num 5 1,2,5,6,8,9

Zip-4 - Employee mailing extended zip code

zip4 Num 4 1,2,5,6,8,9

Race - The general racial or ethnic heritage with which the individual most identifies from the following codes:

YNNNNN = Hispanic
NYNNNN = Native American/Alaskan Native
NNYNNN = Asian
NNNYNN = Black/African American
NNNNYN = Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
NNNNNY = White

Y in more than one combination will be considered 2 or more races.

race_ethnic Alpha 6 NNNNNN 1,2,5,6,8,9

Gender - The sexual classification of the staff person.

M = Male
F = Female
gender Alpha 1 Table 1,2,5,6,8,9

Date, Birth - The staff member's date of birth.

birth_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 1,2,5,6,8,9

Date, Hired - The date a person was originally employed by the district.

hire_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 1,2,5,6,8,9

Degree - The highest degree received.

degree Alpha 4 1,2,5,6,8,9

Degree Description - Description of degree.

desc_degree Alpha 30 1,2,5,6,8,9

Employment Status - Is the employee a full-time or part-time employee.

F = Full-Time
P = Part-Time
emp_status Alpha 1 Table 1,2,5,6,8,9
Experience Category (STATUS), Certified / Classified - The teaching experience of the teaching staff employee should be one of the Status Codes 1 through 4. The classified and non-teaching certified staff employee should be Status Code 0.
0 = Not teaching (Certified & Classified) staff
1 = Beginning teacher
2 = Transfer from another school district
3 = Did not teach last year, but has taught
4 = Taught in this district last year
exp_category Num 1 Table 1,2,5

Experience, Total Years - The total number of teaching years both in state and out of state.

exp_totyrs Dec 2 ##.# 1,2,5

Experience, District - The total number of teaching years employee has in the current district.

exp_distyrs Dec 2 ##.# 1,2,5

Experience, State Years - The total number teaching years in the current state.

exp_state Dec 3 ##.# 1,2,5

Administrator - Total Years - The total number of years as an administrator both in state, and out of state.

For job codes (1000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060)

admin_totyrs Dec 2 ##.# 2,6

Administrator - Years Out of State - The total number of years as an administrator out of state

For job codes (1000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060)

admin_outdistyrs Dec 2 ##.# 2,6

Administrator - Years in District - The total number of years as an administrator employee has in the current district.

For job codes (1000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060)

admin_distyrs Num 2 ## 2,6

Administrator - Years in State, Out of District - The total number years as an administrator in the current state but outside of district.

For job codes (1000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060)

admin_state Dec 2 ##.# 2,6

Out of DistrictDesignates an employee who works for another district, coop,
vocational school, and teaches a class for the reporting district as an out of
district class.

out_district Alpha 1 Y/N 1,2,5,6,8,9

Certified Time Percentage


Teacher Time Percentage - Enter the percentage the certified employee is actually employed. (not to exceed 1.00)

emp_timepct Num #.## 4 1,2,5,6,8,9

National Board Certification


National Board Certified Status - Indicates the status whether a teacher is National Board Certified or not.

nbc Alpha 1 Y/N 2,6

Month/Year Receiving/Issued Certification - Indicates the Month and year when the National Board Certification is received.

nbc_issue Date 6 MMYYYY 2,6

Month/Year Expiration - Indicates the Month and year when the National Board Certification expires.

nbc_expire Date 6 MMYYYY 2,6

Science of Reading


Science Of Reading (SOR) - Indicates the instructors proficiency in knowledge and practices of scientific reading instruction according to Act 1063 of 2017, the Right to Read Act.

01 - Awareness
02 - Proficiency: Assessment
03 - Proficient: Assessor (ID required EM0265)
04 - Proficient: AR College Graduated after 2021
05 - Allows for meeting proficiency after 2023 deadline and requires an intensive support plan
06 - Additional Pathways: Not limited to RISE Trainers, IMSLEC, CALT, and CALP
07- Special Circumstances (Reciprocity, Alt Route Programs, Adding an area, Moving grade levels, ALPs)

Act 416 of 2017
Act 1063 of 2017

sor Alphanum 2 ## 2,6

Unique State ID of the Assessor - Required if EM0260 is '03'

assessor_id Alphanum 10 ########## 2,6
No change Added Modified Deleted

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