Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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View Source Document for Table 'district'

District (DI)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:

1 = September 30th
2 = October 15th
3 = November 15th
4 = December 15th
5 = February 15th
6 = April 15th
7 = June 15th
8 = July 31st
9 = August 31st
cycle Num 2 Table 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

LEA, District/Coop -Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, and cooperative. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
000 = N/A (zeroes for district)
lea Alpha 7 Appendix B,D 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9



District Website Address - The URL for the district's website.

website_addr Alpha 40 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Address, MailingThe street name and building number or PO Box where mail is received.


Address - District's mailing address

mail_addr Alpha 30 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

City - District's mailing city

mail_city Alpha 20 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

State - District's mailing state

mail_state Alpha 2 AR 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Zip - District's mailing zip code

mail_zip Num 5 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Zip-4 - District's mailing extended zip code

mail_zip4 Num 4 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Address, ShippingThe street name and building number where packages of freight are received.


Address - District's shipping address

ship_addr Alpha 30 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

City - District's shipping city

ship_city Alpha 20 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

State - District's shipping state

ship_state Alpha 2 AR 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Zip - District's shipping zip code

ship_zip Alpha 5 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Zip-4 - District's shipping extended zip code

ship_zip4 Alpha 4 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Phone Number, OfficeThe phone number at the district or coop including the area code, prefix, suffix, and extension.


Area Code - District's telephone area code

phone_area Alpha 3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Prefix - District's telephone prefix

phone_prefix Alpha 3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Suffix - District's telephone suffix

phone_suffix Alpha 4 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Extension - District's telephone extension

phone_ext Alpha 5 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Phone Number, FAXThe FAX number at the district or coop where incoming correspondence will be received.


Area Code - District's fax area code

fax_area Alpha 3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Prefix - District's fax prefix

fax_prefix Alpha 3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Suffix - District's fax suffix

fax_suffix Alpha 4 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Extension - District's fax extension

fax_ext Alpha 5 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

LEA, Assigned Cooperative - The seven-digit LEA of the educational cooperative to which the district is assigned.

coop_lea Alpha 7 Appendix D 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

School Board Count - The total number of local board members for a district.

schbd_count Num 2 1

Zoned Status - The School Board is based upon zones as required in A.C.A. 6-13-631.

zoned_status Alpha 1 Y/N 1

School Choice - Indicates whether the district participates in the school choice program.

school_choice Alpha 1 Y/N 1,2

Transfer Agreement - Indicates whether the district participates in transfer agreements with other districts.

transfer_agreement Alpha 1 Y/N 1,3,4,5,7

ACT College Readiness Status - Indicates if the district provides college preparation and remediation for students who have taken ACT to measure college readiness before their senior year of high school

act_coll_readiness_status Alpha 1 Y/N 7

NBCT Confirmation - Verifies and Confirms that the district have entered all the National Board certified teachers

nbct_confirm Alpha 1 Y/N 2,6
Maternity Expenses Certified Total Non-Federal cost from fund 1 and fund 2 to fill the maternity leave absences for certified staff.
First Semester total cost from fund 1 and fund 2 is collected in cycle 5 which is from July 1 – December 31
Second Semester total cost from fund 1 and fund 2 is collected in cycle 8 which is from January 1 – June 30
mat_exp_cert Dec 8 ###,###.## 5,8

Maternity Expenses Classified - Total Non-Federal cost from fund 1 and fund 2 to fill the maternity leave absences for classified staff.

First Semester total cost from fund 1 and fund 2 is collected in cycle 5 which is from July 1 – December 31
Second Semester total cost from fund 1 and fund 2 is collected in cycle 8 which is from January 1 – June 30

mat_exp_clas Dec 8 ###,###.## 5,8

Bus Safety - Indicates if district complies with State Board of Education Regulations stating that all pupils transported in a school bus shall be instructed in safe riding practices and shall participate in emergency evacuation procedures at least twice each school year

bus_safety Alpha 1 Y/N 3,6

School Bus Safety Plan - Indicate if district has developed a School Bus Safety Plan as required by Arkansas Code Ann. 06-19-110.

plan_safety Alpha 1 Y/N 3,6

Extra Curricular Total Athletic Mileage - Total miles driven by all school vehicles for extracurricular-athletics.

miles_ath Num 7 #.###.### 9

Extra Curricular Total Non-Athletic Mileage - Total miles driven by all school vehicles for extracurricular non-athletics

miles_non_ath Num 7 #.###.### 9

Random Drug Test - Indicate if ALL drivers, both regular and subs, are included in random drug tests.

randm_drug_test Alpha 1 Y/N 3

Insurance Carrier - Indicate the insurance company who issued the policy on buses (transportation).

1=School Self-Insurance
2=School Board Association

insur_com Num 1 Table 3

Employee Health Insurance - Amount of monthly health insurance premium per employee paid by district.

insur_prem Dec 5,2 ###.## 1,5,9

Amount of ESA funds requested to be transferred.

ESAFundsTransfer Dec 10 99,999,999.99 9

Square Miles Per District - The number of square miles within the boundaries of the school district, to the nearest full square mile.  This data is critical for the annual end-of-year statical report.

di_squ_miles Num 4 #### 1

Calendar Option – A district can only implement one (1) type of calendar in a school year. Districts will identify their calendar option in the Statewide Information System LEA Profile: District Table during Cycle 7 prior to the school year of implementation.

1 = Traditional School Calendar
2 = Alternate School Calendar
3 = 4 Day Week School Calendar
4 = 12 Month/Year Round School Calendar

cal_opt Num 1 # 7

MillageMillage rate as passed in the current calendar year, or as ordered by the Quorum Court. In case of a failed millage election the millage rate to be entered in the system is the prior calendar year rate (not necessarily the rate approved in the prior calendar year as the millage election may have failed in the prior year, also.


Millage - Total millage rate for the district. One mill equals one-tenth of one percent (.001).

millage_1 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage, M&O - Millage voted on by the electors of a school district for maintenance and operation purposes.

millage_mo_1 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage, Dedicated Maintenance & Operation - Mills approved by a majority of the qualified voters in the school election not to exceed 3 mills of current expenses and maintenance and operation. Millages previously levied as a capital outlay tax or a current expenditure tax shall be considered dedicated maintenance and operation millages.

millage_currexp_1 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage, Debt Service - Mills voted by the electors of a school district to be pledged as security for the retirement of bonded indebtedness.

millage_debtsrv_1 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage Results, For - The number of votes cast for the proposed millage.

millage_for_1 Num 8 3

Millage Results, Against - The number of votes cast against the proposed millage

millage_against_1 Num 8 3

Millage 2Millage 2 is for consolidated or annexed districts and are separate from the millage of the host district. Since millage rates are calendar year rates rather than fiscal year rates this section will only be completed in case of a failed millage election and the millage rate to be entered in the system is the prior calendar year.


Millage 2 - Total millage rate for the district. One mill equals one-tenth of one percent (.001).

millage_2 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage 2, M&O - Millage voted on by the electors of a school district for maintenance and operation purposes.

millage_mo_2 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage 2, Dedicated Maintenance & Operation - Mills approved by a majority of the qualified voters in the school election not to exceed 3 mills of current expenses and maintenance and operation. Millages previously levied as a capital outlay tax or a current expenditure tax shall be considered dedicated maintenance and operation millages.

millage_currexp_2 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage 2, Debt Service - Mills voted by the electors of a school district to be pledged as security for the retirement of bonded indebtedness

millage_debtserv_2 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage 2 Results, For - The number of votes cast for the proposed millage.

millage_for_2 Num 8 3

Millage 2 Results, Against . - The number of votes cast against the proposed millage.

millage_against_2 Num 8 3

Millage 3Millage 3 rate for the districts that have combined more than two districts. Since millage rates are calendar year rates rather than fiscal year rates this section will only be completed in case of a failed millage election and the millage rate to be entered in the system is the prior calendar year. These millages are for consolidated or annexed districts and are separate from the millage of the host district.


Millage 3 - Total millage rate for the district. One mill equals one-tenth of one percent (.001).

millage_3 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage 3, M&O - Millage voted on by the electors of a school district for maintenance and operation purposes.

millage_mo_3 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage 3, Dedicated Maintenance & Operation - Mills approved by a majority of the qualified voters in the school election not to exceed 3 mills of current expenses and maintenance and operation. Millages previously levied as a capital outlay tax or a current expenditure tax shall be considered dedicated maintenance and operation millages.

millage_currexp_3 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage 3, Debt Service - Mills voted by the electors of a school district to be pledged as security for the retirement of bonded indebtedness

millage_debtserv_3 Dec 6 ###.## 3

Millage 3 Results, For - The number of votes cast for the proposed millage.

millage_for_3 Num 8 3

Millage 3 Results, Against - The number of votes cast against the proposed millage.

millage_against_3 Num 8 3

Safety Drill


Safety Training - Does the district provide a program of safety training essential to the reasonable protection of the lives of students and property from fire and other hazards in each unit of the school district?

firedr_sfty Alpha 1 Y/N 1

Facility Inspection #1 = February 15th (Cycle 5) - Was each school facility inspected by your local fire department as required by Ark. Code Ann. 6-21-106? (This code requires that the local school district request an inspection of the premises by the fire department providing fire protection to the school premises seven calendar days prior to the beginning of Christmas break.)

firedr_inspct1 Alpha 1 Y/N 5

Facility Inspection #2 = June 15th (Cycle 7) - Was each school facility inspected by your local fire department as required by Ark. Code Ann. 6-21-106 between February 15th and June 15th of the current year? (This code requires that the local school district request an inspection of the premises by the fire department providing fire protection to the school premises seven calendar days prior to the end of the school year.)

firedr_inspct2 Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Licensed Salary Schedule


Minimum Base Teacher Salary - The minimum base teacher salary for the District

min_sal Dec 8 ###,###.## 2,8

Supplemental Transportation Students


Act 609 Transported - The number of Act 609 (school choice students) attending a school outside their resident district and home district provides partial or full transportation to these Act 609 Students.

act609_transp Num 4 6

Act 214 Transported - The number of Act 214 (transfer students) attending a school outside their resident district and home district provides partial or full transportation to these Act 214 Students.

act214_transp Num 4 6

Special Education Transported - The number of physically handicapped students requiring special transportation and are transported on your district buses. (IEP shall reflect specialized transportation)

sped_transp Num 4 6

Transportation of Non-Public Students


Non-Public School Pupils Transported - The number of non-public school pupils transported at public school expense.

nonpub_transp Num 4 1

Federal Programs – Private Schools


Private School(s) - Are there any private schools in this district?

dist_privsch Alpha 1 Y/N 6

Cycle Submission Dates


Cycle 1 Submission Date - The date cycle 1 data is submitted.

cycle1_date Date 8 MMDDYYYYY 1

Cycle 2 Submission Date - The date cycle 2 data is submitted.

cycle2_date Date 8 MMDDYYYYY 2

Cycle 3 Submission Date - The date cycle 3 data is submitted.

cycle3_date Date 8 MMDDYYYYY 3

Cycle 4 Submission Date - The date cycle 4 data is submitted.

cycle4_date Date 8 MMDDYYYYY 4

Cycle 5 Submission Date - The date cycle 5 data is submitted.

cycle5_date Date 8 MMDDYYYYY 5

Cycle 6 Submission Date - The date cycle 6 data is submitted.

cycle6_date Date 8 MMDDYYYYY 6

Cycle 7 Submission Date - The date cycle 7 data is submitted.

cycle7_date Date 8 MMDDYYYYY 7

Cycle 8 Submission Date - The date cycle 8 data is submitted.

cycle8_date Date 8 MMDDYYYYY 8

Cycle 9 Submission Date - The date cycle 9 data is submitted.

cycle9_date Date 8 MMDDYYYYY 9
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