Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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View Source Document for Table 'discipln'

Discipline (DS)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 7

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:

7 = June 15th
cycle Num 2 Table 7

LEA, School -Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, schools, cooperatives, and vocational institutions. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
002 = Hall High School
lea Alpha 7 Appendix C 7

SSN, Student - The nine-digit Social Security number of the student. If a student's SSN cannot be obtained, then the ADE assigned number as required by Arkansas Code Ann. 6-18-208 should be used.

ssn Alpha 9 ######### 7

State Reporting ID - The unique 10-digit Triand identifier generated for the student by the state.

uniq_stu_id Alpha 20 ########## 7

Date, Discipline - The date upon which the disciplinary offense occurred.

discip_date Date 8 MMDDYYYY 7

Infraction - The code that best describes the violation or infraction:

01 - Drug
02 - Alcohol
03 - Tobacco/e-Cigarettes/Vaping Devices
04 - Attendance Policy Violation
05 - Physical Attack/Harm on Student
06 - Physical Attack/Harm on Staff
07 - Knife
08 - Handgun
09 - Rifle
10 - Shotgun
11 - Weapon
12 - Gangs
13 - Vandalism
14 - Insubordination
15 - Disorderly Conduct
16 - Explosives
17 - Other
18 - Bullying
19 - Fighting
20 - Personal Electronic Device
21 - Cyberbullying
22 - Harassment
23 - Sexual Behavior
24 - Stealing/Theft
25 - Terroristic Threats
26 - Sexual Harassment
27 - Technology Use Violation

infraction Num 2 Table 7



Action Taken - The punitive action taken by the school authority or court authority to reprimand the student after an offense is committed as:

01 - In-School Suspension
02 - Out-of-School Suspension (Not to exceed 10 days) (the incident did not result in physical injury)
03 - Expelled
04 - Expelled for Weapons (as defined by Federal, State and Student Discipline Policy)
05 - Corporal Punishment
06 - Other
07 - No Action
09 - Expelled for Drugs (Does not include alcohol or tobacco)
10 - Expelled for dangerousness (the incident did not result in physical injury)
11 - Expelled for dangerousness (incident resulted in physical injury)
12 - Out of School Suspension (incident resulted in physical injury)
14 - Detention
15 - Bus Suspension
16 - Parent/Guardian Conference
17 - Saturday School
18 - Warning
19 - Moved to Alternate Program


action_taken Num 2 Table 7

Incident ID Number - The number assigned to the infraction.

incident_id Num 10 7

Suspension Days - The number of days the student is out of class for any infraction that resulted in the action taken to include either in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension or expulsion.

oss_days Dec 6 ###.## 7

Shortened Expulsion - Was the expulsion (action-taken =03/04) reported for infractions 08,09,10 or 16 shortened to a term of less than one year by the chief administering officer under the case-by case modification provisions of Section 14601 (b) of the Gun Free School Act?

short_expul Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Educational Services provided during Expulsion - Did the student receive educational services while expelled? Action codes: 03, 04, 09, 10, or 11. This is not a shortened expulsion.

exp_ser Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Alternative Placement - Was the expulsion (action-taken =03/04) reported referred to an alternative school or program'

alt_place Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Student Status - Enter the appropriate code designating student status at the time of this infraction.

RG - Regular Student
SP - Special Education Student
stud_stat Alpha 2 Table 7

Law Enforcement/Police Status - Discipline infraction being reported to Law Enforcement/Police.

rpt_to_police Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Date Reported - The date upon which the incident was reported to Law Enforcement/Police.

rpt_date_to_police Date 8 MMDDYYYY 7

Police Department - The Police Department to which the Discipline Infraction was reported.

police_dept Alpha 255 7

School Related Arrest by Police Department - The Police Department made an arrest as a result of the School District Discipline Infraction reported.

police_arrest Alpha 1 Y/N 7
No change Added Modified Deleted

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