Database Schema for Handbook 2025-2026

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View Source Document for Table 'ALE'

ALE (Annual Report) (AS)


ID Element Name Type Size Values Cycle



Fiscal Year - The fiscal year that this reporting represents:
For the 2025-2026 reporting year fy must be = 36

fy Num 2 Table 7

Cycle - The reporting cycle for which the data is submitted:

7 = June 15th
cycle Num 2 Table 7

LEA, District - Local Education Agency, the unique seven-digit number assigned by the ADE to identify individual county, district, schools, cooperatives, and vocational institutions. The first two digits represent the county, the second two digits represent the district, and the last three digits represent the individual school, for example:

60 = Pulaski County
01 = Little Rock School District
000 = N/A (zeroes for district)
lea Alpha 7 Appendix B 7

General (All questions below are based on current school year)


General Curriculum - How many Alternative Education (ALE) students returned to general education? (Alternative Education (ALE) students who returned to traditional education after being in Alternative Education (ALE) greater than 20 days.)

curr Num 6 ########## 7

Alternative Education (ALE) InterventionHow many graduates received ALE intervention at some point during their k-12 education?

inter Num 6 ########## 7

Alternative Education (ALE) HSE - How many ALE students received a high school equivalency diploma (previously GED)?

ged Num 6 ########## 7

Alternative Education (ALE) Exit Returned Prior Year - How many students who were enrolled in ALE the previous year exited the program and returned to ALE in the current school year?

ext_prior Num 6 ########## 7

Alternative Education (ALE) Exit Current Year How many students exited Alternative Education (ALE) and returned to Alternative Education (ALE) in the current year?

ext_cur Num 6 ########## 7

Alternative Education (ALE) Paraprofessional - How many paraprofessionals are employed to work in Alternative Education (ALE)?

para Num 6 ########## 7

Alternative Education (ALE) Ratio - Are Alternative Education (ALE) classes student/teacher ratio in compliance with rules and regulations ( -

ratio Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Alternative Education (ALE) Program Is the Alternative Education (ALE) program included in the district’s current year District Level Plan as a separate activity?

prog Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Non-Punitive Program - Is it understood and recognized that Alternative Education (ALE) is a supportive non-punitive program and not an in-school suspension program?

pun Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Alternative Education (ALE) Consortium - Is the Alternative Education (ALE) program a consortium partnership program?

con Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Technical Support Visit - In the past three years has the Alternative Education (ALE) program been reviewed by the Alternative Education (ALE) technical support team'

visit Alpha 1 Y/N 7

Alternative Education (ALE) Technical Support Specialist - If Alternative Education (ALE) technical support visit is "Yes" then provide the date of the visit.

date Date 8 MMDD YYYY 7

Alternative Education (ALE) Funds - Total amount of Alternative Education (ALE) categorical restricted funds received for the current year.

funds Dec 10,2 ##,###,###.## 7

Workforce / Career Centers - How many students enrolled in an Alternative Education (ALE) program are participating in Workforce/Secondary Career Centers?

w_c_center Num 6 ########## 7

Number of Twelfth Graders Participating in Alternative Education (ALE) this Year - How many 12th grade students participated in Alternative Education (ALE) this year?

annual_part Num 6 ########## 7

Alternative Education (ALE) Annual Effect Graduated - Of the current year 12th grade Alternative Education (ALE) students, how many graduated?

annual_grad Num 6 ########## 7

Alternative Education (ALE) students lacking proficiency – How many students in your district participated in Alternative Education (ALE) because of an ongoing persistent lack of attaining proficiency in mathematics and/or ELA (as one of the qualifiers) in the current school year?

lack_proficiency Num 6 ###### 7

Alternative Education (ALE) students with improved proficiency - Within that group, what is the total number of students with grade improvements after beginning Alternative Education (ALE) in the current school year?

improved_proficiency Num 6 ###### 7

Alternative Education (ALE) students due to attendance - How many students in your district participated in Alternative Education (ALE) because of problems with attendance in the current school year?

due_attendance Num 6 ###### 7

Alternative Education (ALE) students with improved attendance - Within that group, what is the total number of students with attendance improvements after beginning Alternative Education (ALE) in the current school year?

improved_attendance Num 6 ###### 7

Alternative Education (ALE) students due to lack of credits - How many students in grades 9-12 participated in Alternative Education (ALE) because of credit attainment problems (as one of the qualifiers) in the current school year?

lacking_credits Num 6 ###### 7

Alternative Education (ALE) students with increased credits - Within that group, what is the total number of students with improved credit attainment after participating in Alternative Education (ALE) in the current school year?

increased_credits Num 6 ###### 7

Alternative Education (ALE) students who dropped out - What is the total number of Alternative Education (ALE) students in your district who dropped out of school during the current school year?

dropped_out Num 6 ###### 7
No change Added Modified Deleted

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